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bullet to the head with more developed f

Dead in a week 

(or your money back)


Assassin's Guild Productions/ Netflix.

Commissioned by Assassins Guild productions, 

I produced a series of works to be used as integral props in the indie film: Dead in a week (or your money back).








yellow stamp website.png

The Love Bird Cushion.

The image below is the illustration used for the integral cushion prop in the film.


Designed in a way that could be easily turned in to an embroidered design for a cushion,

a balance between detail and simplicity was necessary along with a considered colour palette.

dove cross stitch amended for cross stic

The cushion acted as a great prop to represent the difference between

the assassin’s day job and his wife’s determination to win a needle point competition.


Below are key scenes from the films narrative where the prop was used.

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yellow stamp website.png

Your Death Your Way.

In addition to the cushion prop, I was asked to create an airplane style brouchure,

entitled: Your death, your way. This pamphlet showed the different ways that

the main character, William, could chose his own death.


The images below are from the Hero’s death section where the assassination would

leave the main character appearing, to all who witnessed it, like a genuine hero

sacrificing himself to save a child.

hero panel one pixel colour.jpg
hero panel colour 2.jpg
hero panel 3 colour pixel.jpg
hero death panel 4 coloured pixel.jpg
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There were also a number of cheaper, more painful and less glamourous

ways that the main charcter could choose to end his life. 


These resluted in some very dark and funny illustrations to align with the black

comedy genre shown in the images and stills below. 

painful deaths.jpg
falling off a mountain.jpg
hammer to the face.jpg
poisoned apple.jpg
knife wound.jpg
drowning WITH ICON.jpg
death by fire.jpg
bullet to the head with more developed f
snake to the face.jpg
hit and run coloured.jpg
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sunny peanut butter plain back.jpg
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